Chinook Funds Exceeds Goals and Grows to over $155,000

Thank you all for helping the Chinook Lesbian and Gay Fund to grow. We are thrilled to announce that we exceeded our fundraising goals in 2013 by raising about $42,000 from your donations.

For those who attend our 3rd Annual Fundraising Dinner on 17th October 2013 at The Bar C Restaurant, thank you!   The event was a great success in many ways.  Our dinner guests were incredibly generous, with 70 in attendance giving on average about $600 each. Thanks to you, our fund balance is just over $155,000.

Dinner was provided by Courtney Aarbo Barristers and Solicitors and drinks provided by Dr. Martin Harvey and Fernie Getaways. Their support ensured that 100% of your donation was deposited into the Chinook Fund’s Calgary Foundations account.  By now you should have received a charitable receipt for the entire amount of your donation issued by from The Calgary Foundation (should you have any questions about your receipt please contact Kelly Ernst at  We also wish to thank Bar C and their staff for their professional, friendly and efficient service.

It was an honour to introduce the first recipient of the Chinook Hero Award.  The award gives thanks and recognition to a member or group in the Alberta LGBT community who has helped improve the LGBT community over a period of years.  The Hero Award is given to no more than one group or person per year and there is no financial award given. The 2013 recipient was Delwin Vriend, who challenged the Alberta Human Rights Act in a Supreme Court case after he was fired for being gay. He won the case and as a result “sexual orientation” was read into the Canadian constitution. He helped change the laws in Canada so that we could all enjoy equal rights, something that is being modeled in many countries worldwide.

In 2013, income from the fund enabled us to issue three grants for the first time, a sign of the growth the fund has been able to make. Grant recipients were Calgary Outlink’s Beyond Borders Program, Fairytales Presentation Society’s Queer Media Program, and Third Street Theatre in association with Alberta Playwright’s Network.  The Beyond Borders Program funding is to support the development of resources to assist LGBT immigrants to Calgary access services. The Queer Media Program is supporting youth to produce visual media that explores concepts of queer identity, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles. Third Street Theatre funding was for the development of 2 play scripts with subject material exploring issues relevant to the LGBT community.

We hope as the fund grows to be able to provide more meaningful amounts to other worthy causes. It is important to stress that the fund’s principle is never touched; grants are made from the income generated by the fund, making this truly a gift that keeps on giving.  We do plan on continuing to keep our donors informed about the Chinook Fund through a periodic news email and by posting information on our website, found at  We encourage your further involvement as well as your assistance in informing others about it.

For those of you hearing about the Chinook Fund for the first time, or those inclined to provide ongoing support, we remind you donations can also be made to the Fund either through the Calgary Foundation at: https://pHYPERLINK “”aHYPERLINK “” or directed to the Fund through the United Way Annual Campaign (direct your donation  through the Calgary Foundation to the “Chinook Lesbian and Gay Fund”).

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to introduce the Chinook Fund to a growing circle of supporters and donors.

Although most people receiving this newsletter will be aware of our existence and probably attended our October fundraiser, please feel free to forward this notice to friends and loved ones that you think might be interested in learning more about our efforts.