GayCalgary has been working to support the LGBTQ+ community for 26 years!
GayCalgary has always been there for the community and sought to be as inclusive as possible. A key element of GayCalgary’s approach has been to make community groups aware of issues faced by each so they can find common ground and learn from one another.
Part of its mandate is to help make the straight community aware of the presence and the stories of the gay community.
Prior to social media, GayCalgary was one of the most important ways the Calgary community communicated with one another. In creating this voice for the community GayCalgary created the most important network of communication at a time when there was no other. GayCalgary reflected the community back to itself in a comprehensive and positive manner. The many thousands of photos of people in the pages of GayCalgary were proof positive to so many that they had a place in our city. Steve and his crew were at hundreds of events a year making sure they were chronicled in the pages of GayCalgary.