Apply for a Grant

The Calgary Chinook Fund provides grants to charitable organizations that offer programs, services, education and support for and about the LGBTQ+ community. Groups must be aimed at promoting inclusiveness within Calgary.

In 2024 our aim is to provide grants totaling an amount up to approximately $51,750, a portion of which must be directed to the arts.

Eligible Organizations

Funding is available to registered charitable organizations that create networking and community building among all people by providing information, education, resources, and / or counselling to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Calgarians; their parents, family, friends, and allies.

New for 2024, a portion of our annual grants will be specifically and only for arts related grants.  Recognition for these arts related grants to W.R. (Bob) McPhee C.M.L.L.D.(Hons).

Scope of Funding

The fund’s primary scope of funding includes, but is not limited to administration, program expenses, materials and supplies, and occupancy costs to support education and community services.  Half of our annual funding is given to organizations applying for specific projects and half for core funding for organizational needs.

Grant Application

To submit an application to the Calgary Lesbian and Gay Chinook fund, please provide a description of your project or core funding need. The project or core funding needs description should not exceed 3 pages in length, printed on your organizational letterhead, and signed by and Authorized Representative (Executive Director, President, Treasurer).

Your description of the request should include:

  • A short Project or Core Funding Needs summary,
  • Goals of the Project or Core Funding, Key activities,
  • Output and results projected with timeframes,
  • Total amount requested and budget breakdown,
  • Partners (when appropriate) and their contributions,
  • Project evaluation, and
  • How you will publicly recognize the support of the Chinook Lesbian and Gay Fund.

The grant should fit the mandate of the organization, plus meet the following guidelines:

  • The grant must fit charitable object and CRA rules, including:
  • The donee must be a registered charitable organization/business;
  • The grant cannot be for deficit amounts, retroactive payment, loans, personal benefit / self interest, fund transfers to persons, advocacy work, lobbying, or political activities;
  • Grant cannot be for subordinate “related businesses” or social enterprises; and
  • Grant cannot be for generation of profit.
  • The grant fits the terms of reference of the fund or foundation focus area.
  • The grant can be for general operational, programs, project spending (with project terms defined), or fund development capacity.
  • The grant can be for equipment or assets to operate charitable business.
  • The grant can be used in full or part for a contract for services between the charity and contractor, provided the contracted work fits charitable objects.

Amount of the Grant

For 2024 the fund will provide a grant of up to $51,750, a portion of which must go towards the arts. The fund will consider all applications and determine the recipient of the grant, or in the event the fund elects to provide more than one grant, the recipients, and amount of grants that will be awarded. The amount awarded will not necessarily be for the amount requested. For more information, please go to our website at

The deadline for applications is September 15th, 2024.

Application Address

Applications are  accepted as Word or PDF  documents, at:

You should receive a confirmation email within 48 hours of your submission.  If not received please email us at:

Decision-Making Criteria for Grants

The advisory committee will make a decision by October 15th. We will review the following areas:

For Project Based Applications:

  • The ability to describe the project in a way that helps us to understand the impact you seek to achieve;
  • Proposed results, impact and community benefit,
  • Potential reach,
  • Sustainability,
  • Level of innovation, and
  • The quality of the request.

For Core Funding Based Applications:

      • Your organization’s mandate and how you are meeting it and how the funds you are seeking for core funding will increase your scope,
      • Proposed impact and community benefit,
      • Potential reach,
      • Sustainability, and
      • The quality of the request.

For All Applications:

As part of the grant application review, the fund advisory committee will review your website, public documents, or other public references for the following information:

  • Charitable status and number,
  • Most up to date charitable report from CRA, including objects and expenditures,
  • Evidence of board and staff stability,
  • Evidence of sound reputation, community knowledge, and strategic planning,
  • History of good community service and no legal concerns, and
  • Risks described and mitigation steps in place.

Previous Reporting

If your fund has received a previous grant, you may apply again. You must, however, provide a 1 page letter,  at some point prior to your new application describing the degree of achievement obtained by the project which received the grant. It could include:

  • A report of the description of output and results from previous grants, along with
  • The amount expended, and
  • Communication of project/program and funders.

2 Replies to “Apply for a Grant”

  1. Hi – I’m part of the Calgary Gay history project but it is not a registered charity. Would I still be able to apply for funding for a historical program?

  2. Yes, but you would need to find a friendly registered charity to work with. We can only issue grants to registered charities.

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